Going organic: more than a diet, it’s a lifestyle

My latest article in Ventura County Reporter on organic eating.

You are what you eat

Going organic: more than a diet, it’s a lifestyle

By Carla Iacovetti 08/12/2010

“The chief pleasure in eating does not consist in costly seasoning, or exquisite flavor, but in yourself.”
— Horace (65-8 B.C.)

Eating and drinking is an activity that connects humankind. No matter where we live, we all depend on water and the earth beneath our feet to sustain our lives. In essence, we are conduits, channels that energy (life) and water flow through, and that life energy is passed down from one generation to the next. A part of that energy is directly affected by what we eat. So if the age-old adage “You are what you eat” is true, there may be some merit in looking closely at what we consume and staying well-informed.

With a desire to educate about and promote alternate healthy food choices, and to preserve our earth, the organic food industry is in crescendo mode today. Where once organic products could be found only at health food stores or local produce stands, organic has become an inescapable reality, since nearly every food corporation now has an organic division. More capital is going into organic agriculture than ever before. Walmart is at the top of the list of large corporations that announced plans in 2006 to double their stock of organic products, including produce, dairy and textiles.

Rose Hayden-Smith, the county director for the University of California’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, says, “Organics have become mainstream, and they are becoming more popular, because there is increasing consumer demand.” Not only are we seeing organic products show up in large food corporations, but the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently celebrated Earth Day by turning a six-acre tract on the National Mall into an organic garden. Hayden-Smith says, “This has breathtaking and significant implications for the organic movement. Lincoln created the USDA, declaring it to be ‘the largest interest of the nation.’ ”

In a recent interview on MSNBC, New York Times author Michael Pollan said, “Organic food is a good investment.”

2The history of organic farming in the United States dates back to the early part of the 20th century, with concerns over the use of hydrogen cyanide and arsenic-based pesticides. However, these pesticides were soon toxic and ineffective replaced by synthetic organic (carbon-containing) compounds and DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane).

For about 20 years, all seemed well. DDT was the agricultural industry’s dream — beefing up profits while yielding more for less and controlling the pests. However, not everyone in the agriculture industry was smitten.

Organic pioneer and author J.I. Rodale began studying the relationship among healthy soil, healthy food and healthy people. With an educated concern about the effects of chemically treated farming, and a personal mission to develop practical methods of rebuilding natural soil fertility, the Rodale Institute was founded in 1947.

Organics is not something that came in with the counterculture movement of the 1960s, nor is it a new-fangled notion that spread from food co-op to co-op during the late 1970s.

In 1954, Rodale said, “Organics is not a fad. It has been a long-established practice – much more firmly grounded than the current chemical flair. Present agriculture practices are leading us downhill.”

The uneasiness continued to mount over the short- and long-term effects that pesticides might have on humankind and the environment, and by 1962 scientist Rachel Carson’s best seller, Silent Spring, hit the bookstores with a bang, as she predicted a colossal destruction of the planet’s ecosystems unless something was done to stop the “rain of chemicals.” Some environmentalists today believe that this book actually launched the environmental movement.

Did Carson and Rodale have predictive insight into the future? It is certainly hard to dismiss the many concerns about our ecosystem and the long-term effects that pesticides may have on humanity and wildlife at large.

Dr. Don Rodriquez, the associate professor holding the chair in the Environmental Science and Resource Management Program at California State University, Channel Islands, says, “One of the things we are realizing is that the short-term ramifications are a problem, but they are not as insidious as long-term exposure. Studies of this really came into play after the Vietnam War, with Agent Orange exposure, and we were made aware of the risk of long-term disease.”

Chemicals and the environment
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR) says, “People often think pesticide means insecticide. Pesticide refers not only to insecticides but also many other kinds of chemicals. Under state and federal law, a pesticide is any substance intended to control, destroy, repel or attract a pest.” Because certain insects and other organisms carry diseases like West Nile virus, farmers and other health agencies use pesticides to destroy pests, viruses and germs.

“California has the largest number of certified organic operations in the United States,” says Al Montana, president of the California State Board of Food and Agriculture (CDFA).” Because organic farming has become such a good investment, the state wants organic agriculture to thrive. “Oversight by CDFA and certifier compliance with established rules ensures that we enjoy a vibrant organic industry in California,” he says.

3However, while the CDPR is concerned with regulation and protection, there is no denying that the use of toxic chemicals to control, destroy and repel pests is having adverse effects on humanity, wildlife and the environment. If change is not implemented, where is this going to end?

Organic food is good for a body, but it also helps protect wildlife and the environment. Timothy LaSalle, CEO of the Rodale Institute dedicated to pioneering organic farming through research and outreach, believes that turning all of our farmland to organic in this country could alleviate 25 percent of our emissions.

In addition to organic farming, many growers are also striving for sustainable agriculture, which advocates using renewable resources and conserving soil and water to boost the quality of the environment. Sustainable agriculture focuses on conserving an ecological balance by avoiding the depletion of natural resources. It is ecologically sound and economically practical at so many levels.

Local organic grower Phil McGrath of McGrath Family Farms, which has been serving Ventura County for five generations, says, “I would like to think that we are sustainable, but I don’t think there is a sustainable farm on the planet yet. It is evolving. Sustainable farming takes in every aspect. The three pillars of sustainability are economics, social equity and environment.”

McGrath says, “I started strong with direct marketing back in 1978, and I really believe that farmers markets have distributed organics better than anyone. Prior to that, we had little road stands. In the last 10 years or so, the word ‘sustainable’ has come into play, and it really is making people much more aware of eating local – getting to know your growers.”

Shopping locally and getting to know the growers is an excellent way to stay informed and be more certain of what you are actually eating. While organic is the healthier choice, there are some variables that come into play with shopping at large food corporations. In California, we are fortunate to live in a state that grows so much fresh produce, but this is not the case in much of the United States. One of the issues with purchasing from larger food corporations is the fact that some of their produce is coming from other countries. In America, the standards for organics are stringent, but every country is different, so while we hope we are getting something pure, that may not necessarily be the case.

Rodriquez says, “Shopping from local growers, like the farmers market, is a great way to put a face with the food, talk with the growers and learn how the food is produced, and support community agriculture. Not that we need to take all the industrial production out of agriculture, but industrial agriculture is such a different enterprise than the small farm wanting to serve the customer and community better, because the focus of production in industrial agriculture is very high. The way they have always solved issues is with pesticides, fertilizers and water. Grow more for less.”

The concerns surrounding pesticides and the effects of these chemicals on our ecosystem are many, but equally concerning are the effects that these toxic pesticides are having on our health.

Jonathan D. Lemler, D.C., has been the director of the Healing Arts Center in Oxnard for 27 years and specializes in nutritional elements. He suggests that a myriad of health issues can result from eating nonorganic foods because of the pesticides, food enhancers and hormones. Lemler says, “Pesticides actually mimic estrogen in the body, clogging up the liver, and then they’re stored in the fat tissues, placing a major burden on the liver, and is the main cause of fatty liver indigestion. In addition, they get clogged in the brain and then become acidic. Acidity causes inflammation, infection and disease. Pesticides really screw up hormones.”

Along with hormonal issues and liver function, Lemler added obesity to the mix, partly attributing it to a result of liver congestion and clogging of the pesticides in the system.

In addition, genetically modified foods also pose serious health issues, with corn being the chief offender, not to mention the antibiotics and hormones found in animal products.

A growing number of scientists believe that many hormone-related diseases, degenerative diseases and certain types of cancers are related to pesticides, whether ingested through food or breathed in the air. In addition, the journal Pediatrics recently published the results of a study linking the correlation between pesticides and learning and behavior disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to a report issued by the University of South Florida, “Exposure of the developing child to even the small levels of common everyday chemicals can result in learning or behavior problems evident throughout life.”

Paying the price
A recent study at the University of Washington shows that millions of Americans simply cannot afford to eat healthily. While the cost of eating organic might be higher, in the long run the expense might be worthwhile if doctor visits and the need for prescription medication are significantly reduced.

Craig Ahrens, the president and marketing director of Earth Café Living Foods, which is a fast-growing raw, organic, vegan cheesecake producer based in Southern California, began eating organic/vegan back in 2004. While he and his family were always “good eaters,” they lived on the typical American diet. His conversion to eating more healthily happened as a result of his business involvement with Candida Tolentino, the chef and visionary who began Earth Café Living Foods. As a child, Tolentino suffered with chronic illness that kept her frequently visiting the doctor and taking antibiotics. While Tolentino’s switch to vegan eating was directly related to her health issues, Ahrens’ was not. At the time Earth Café got its start, he was not fully persuaded that eating this way was necessary. According to Ahrens, “It was actually my daughter who helped convince me to make the change, and once we did, we never looked back!”

Ahrens says, “Since weight or health issues did not fuel my decision to eat vegan and organic, I did not notice much change immediately, except my energy levels were higher. What was amazing, though, was after a year or so of not eating animal products, my children did not need to be rushed off to the doctor, nor did I have to make trips to the drug store to grab Robitussin for runny noses. Ahrens says, “There was a noticeable decline in monies spent on doctor visits and medications.”

There is no doubt that eating organic is the healthier option. Ahrens says, “Organic is a lifestyle, not just a label. It’s so much bigger than that. It’s an environmentally conscious choice. If we want good health and want to live free, then we must choose wisely. People should take the time to investigate this more, instead of just being ruled by the food industry.”


Link: http://www.vcreporter.com/cms/story/detail/you_are_what_you_eat/8141/

Stop the leak NOW!

This is a great, heart-felt video made by the Director of Sales and Marketing at Southern California’s Earth Cafe Living Foods.

The BP oil leak needs to be stopped, and STOPPED NOW! Not at the end of summer; not going w/ a 90% Containment Plan (kicks in next mo.).

If you agree with this response, please forward this on, and join the effort to Stop The Leak Now!

Thank you!

Environmental Degradation: A Different Take

Meat, Milk and Motors: The New China Syndrome – Robert Singer

China’s environmental degradation is so severe it has become the world’s problem. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed by China’s coal-fired power plants fall as acid rain on Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo and according to the Journal of Geophysical Research, much of the particulate pollution over Los Angeles originates in China.


August 21, theatres around the nation screened the documentary I.O.U.S.A. and a live discussion with America’s most notable financial leaders and policy experts, including Warren Buffett; William Niskanen, chairman of the Cato Institute; Pete Peterson, senior chairman of The Blackstone Group and former U.S. Comptroller General, Dave Walker.

August 25, Mr. William Niskanen, CEO of the Cato Institute, confirmed his remarks on the I.O.U.S.A. post-broadcast panel discussion.

Dear Mr. Singer,
I do not have a tape of my remarks last Thursday evening. As I remember, however, I expressed being puzzled why the central banks of China, Japan, and South Korea have continued to invest so much in U.S. Treasury securities. For these central banks have earned a negative real return on these securities, for which the interest rate has been lower than the depreciation of the dollar.

I would value your judgment about this puzzle… William A. Niskanen

China is a “Hot Topic” at the nationally and internationally recognized Center for Trade Policy at Mr. Niskanen’s Cato Institute, but the research staff has been unable to find a political, diplomatic, military or economic solution to the China puzzle, because there isn’t one.

China’s economic policy is an enigma that would baffle Ludwig von Mises and Karl Marx. The answer to the Chinese enigma: China is now the Air Pollution champion of the world.

No country in history has emerged as a major industrial power without creating a legacy of environmental damage. But just as the speed and scale of China’s rise as an economic power have no clear parallel in history, its pollution problem has shattered all records as well.

China’s environmental degradation is so severe it has become the world’s problem. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed by China’s coal-fired power plants fall as acid rain on Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo and according to the Journal of Geophysical Research, much of the particulate pollution over Los Angeles originates in China.

Chinese officials, before and after the Tiananmen Square massacre, pretend to pursue economic development and industrialization for the benefit of their population, but in spite of the glitter of China’s big cities and the rise of its billionaire class, the vast majority of the Chinese people are repressed, working in slave labor camps and living in poverty.

The path China took to industrialization was unusual. John Watson, Professor at Reno-based Desert Research Institute, notes: “They’re making a lot of the same mistakes we made in our air pollution history. You can just see the parallels: they’re building more highways and encouraging more sprawl.”

Mistakes? Consider the Communists First Five-Year Plan
When Communism became the ideology of the people in 1949, they fought pollution during the successful First Five-Year Plan from 1953-57 and were moving towards 100% recycling until 1958 when the Great Leap Forward became the Great Leap Famine and between 16.5 million and 40 million people died before the experiment came to an end in 1961.

During the Five-Year Plan, Chinese articles and journals extolled the benefits of recycling. “When a case of pollution arose, there was scientific and collective action to undo the damage. The most harmful industrial wastewater is that which contains phenol. If this kind of poisonous industrial water is drained into a body of water (such as a river, lake, or sea) before treatment, it will pollute the water, kill the fish, and endanger the health of the people. And if such poisonous waste water is drained into the farmland, it will badly affect the normal growth of the crops.”

The “Mistakes” explanation requires you believe no one in China read or studied the industrialization of the Western Countries. “Cost-benefit analyses in the U.S. show that emission reduction programs have provided much greater benefits than their costs, by a ratio of up to 40 to 1. Air pollution damage not only impacts the ecosystem but imposes major economic costs as well as, from premature mortality, increased health care and lost productivity and, more importantly, decreased crop yields.”

Air Pollution thick as Pea Soup
A World Bank study found China is home to 16 of the world’s 20 worst cities for air quality. Three-quarters of the water flowing through urban areas is unsuitable for drinking or fishing.

Pea-soup air in Beijing is caused in part by a sudden switch from bicycles to automobiles as a means of transportation. With nearly 156 million motor vehicles, bicycles are no longer welcome in cities that are being rebuilt to accommodate automobiles.

China’s bike lanes have been sacrificed in the name of road and highway construction. In the Fujian province, Chinese city and regional officials went so far as to ban electric bicycles because they were worried “the lead-acid batteries are an environmental risk, and that the use of electric bikes undercuts the use of public transit.” Both arguments apply far better to automobiles, but automobiles are encouraged and riding a bicycle without a license can get you arrested.

Following Western Pollution’s Footsteps The U.S. also sacrificed mass transit in the 1930’s when the National City Lines (NCL) converted the nation into an automobile-dependent society by dismantling most streetcar systems throughout the United States.

John D. Rockefeller, the #1 wealthiest man in all recorded history, was a founding member of the NCL holding company and our “Federal” Reserve Bank. Under the ruse of Christian temperance, he gave $4 million to a group of old ladies, and the temperance movement was no longer about drinking alcohol but about the knob on the dashboard of the Model T.

The knob allowed the driver to adjust the fuel-air mixture for either alcohol (ethanol) or gas. Henry Ford said that alcohol was “a cleaner, nicer, better fuel for automobiles than gasoline.” Ironically, no one followed Henry’s advice until 2000 when George W. Bush subsidized Archer Daniels Midland to burn up, according to the distinguished McKnight University Professor C. Ford Runge, enough calories to feed one person for a year every time we fill up the 25-gallon tank in our SUV.

The Federal Reserve and John D. were behind our automobile-dependent consumer society and the outlawing of the production and sale of alcohol. John D. was a notorious “robber baron”, so we naturally assume his motivation was greed and profit.

But Rockefeller, known as a brilliant businessman and visionary, already owned or controlled most of the world at the end of the 19th century and as a member of the Federal Reserve he understood no one gets wealthier printing their own Monopoly money.

Therefore, if profits were the motive of the world’s richest man–John D. would have bought up all of the farmland in the United States or for that matter all of the farmland in the world, so he could really control the knob on the Model T.

Then Henry Kissinger’s quote would have been: “Control ethanol you control nations and people”

Rockefeller and the Federal Reserve were critical to our fossil-fueled industrial and consumer society, but that also made them responsible for much of the environmental damage done to the planet.

China’s leaders and their Central Bank were critical to the unprecedented growth of the Chinese economy that benefited the West, but replacing bicycles with automobiles is responsible for much of the environmental damage done to the East, West, North and South.

The vast trade surplus of $1.4 trillion and counting, a result of official Chinese government intervention to depress the Renminbi (RMB), is that every person in the (rich) U.S. has borrowed about $4,000 from someone in the (poor) People’s Republic of China so the Chinese economy can produce the most environmental damage in our history.

All too often we see the result of failed public policies, government actions and inactions, and conclude the leadership is inept, arrogant or just “stupid.”

Our last president Bush wasn’t “stupid” if his goal was Ecocide.
At the G8 summit, George W. Bush said, “Goodbye, from the (then) world’s biggest polluter.” He proposed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve, which would trash America’s last arctic wilderness. Sonar testing is about torturing whales and dolphins, and the border fence that keeps everything out but the illegals is disrupting an extraordinary source of biological diversity along a 2,000-mile-long region that includes deserts, mangrove forests, plains, mountains, river valleys and wetlands.

Chinese officials are worried about their people eating…meat
On November 11, 2008, NPR aired the story: “Chinese Government Fights Recession,” where Beijing’s correspondent Anthony Kuhn reports: “there is a lot of worry in the government that ordinary Chinese were not going to be able to afford to eat meat.”

In 1980, when China’s population was still under one billion, the average Chinese ate 20kg (44lbs) of meat. Last year (2007), with an additional 300 million people, it was 54kg.

Promoting meat in the world’s highest populous country and diverting grain to fatten animals will be “the end of self-sufficiency for China,” says James Rice, Chief of China Operations for Tyson Foods. “This year will be the last in which China produces enough corn for itself, and the last that it is self-sufficient in protein.”

The editors of World Watch state that “the human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future-deforestation, erosion, fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice, the destabilization of communities and the spread of disease.”

Lee Hall, the legal director for Friends of Animals, is more succinct: “Behind virtually every great environmental complaint there’s milk and meat.”

Automobiles, milk and meat are the answer to the Chinese enigma;

China is on the bridge to ecocide.

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